The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147391   Message #3439960
Posted By: sciencegeek
21-Nov-12 - 02:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Alternative to Science??
Subject: RE: BS: Alternative to Science??
here is very nice discussion on genetic drift sans blue clicky

I took a grad course in evolution that had a real mickey mouse text and it took me awhile to come to the realization that the professor was actually an advocate of intelligent design. Ackkk!?!

I had just assumed that he was taking the devil's advocate position... until I found myself having to defend randomness in the genetic makeup of individuals within populations and how chance can be a major factor in what genes end up in a given population. Natural selection can only work on what's there... even mutations are dependent on the makeup of the alleles present. One of the reasons why species that are reduced to a tiny fraction of their former numbers, may not have enough genetic diversity left in their gene pool to escape extinction in the not to far off future.   

There is no preordained end result of evolution. You pays your money & takes your chances. No "higher beings"... just those that are still around & leaving descendants.