The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148169   Message #3440388
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
22-Nov-12 - 08:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: US Thanksgiving--Debate
Subject: RE: BS: US Thanksgiving--Debate
Open letter to Lizzie Cornish

I have no 'shitty campaign' to get others to hate you. Either stop suggesting I have or find some proof. I disagree with you on many points and will say so at any opportunity. That constitutes neither bullying or stalking. That is disagreement. You, on the other hand, seem to want to attack my genuine disagreements with smear tactics, name calling and abusive language.

I am neither a dimwit nor a double dimwit. I don't profess to be a genius but I do hold a responsible job which entails a considerable amount of intelligence; I have been happily married for nearly 40 years; I have brought up 5 children, four of which graduated university and all of which are caring human beings. I don't think any of these things are within the reach of a dimwit.

If you are genuinely assisting to arrange REAL WORLD meetings then that is all we are suggesting. You should be proud of yourself in having done so. It is far better than any amount of ranting and raving here or over on Fakebook. Why don't you just get on with it like everyone else though? I know hiding lights under bushels is silly but shouting how good you are from the rooftops is counter-productive. A line or two saying that you have and will continue to help real people would be enough. A page such as above is just bragging.

I have never resorted to poking fun at any of the countless disabilities that plague your family. You, on the other hand, have openly laughed at my wife's hearing difficulties and have suggested that I have lied about difficulties that my children have encountered.

I may have sworn at you occasionally. Purely because you seem to consider it the norm and have used abusive language to me. If that has ever offended you I apologise and, provided you no longer swear at me, I will no longer retaliate.

I have and will continue to call you Liz. Sorry, but there it is. If you say 'don't do something' to me I will do it. Call it childish if you like because it probably is but I am childish and will continue to be so till the day I die. Children get so much more out of life don't you think :-)

As to the comment about the turnip, I have no idea what you are on about. I think you have me confused with someone else.

I am sure our disagreements will continue and, to be honest, they should. If everyone agreed about everything what a boring world we would live in. In conclusion, all I ask is that you let me disagree with you without resorting to abuse, smear tactics, shouting 'bully' or screaming 'stalker'.

As ever I will rely on the facts to speak for themselves and if anyone would care to have any details to prove or underline any of my points I will happily oblige. It is up to all here to decide which version of events to believe.
