The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148169   Message #3440697
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
22-Nov-12 - 05:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: US Thanksgiving--Debate
Subject: RE: BS: US Thanksgiving--Debate
Thanks Bill - Yes that does clear up my reservations (no pun intended!) and thanks to Don for the comeback. Out of all the spittle, smoke and mirrors there are some interesting and opposing points coming out. Put across in a reasoned and reasonable manner. Just like grown up people do! A very refreshing turn for the better :-)

I find the psyche of the fanatic very interesting. I said earlier that wars and conflicts were caused by the rich and greedy. I stick to that but was reminded that, if the rich are the Generals, it is fanatics that do their dirty work. To be passionate about a subject is great. I am passionate about many things. History, Beer, Trains, Morris Dancing and the inappropriate distribution of wealth to name but a few.

What I cannot stand or accept though, is the in your face, you have to do this or you are soulless, we are all doomed if you don't do as I do attitude that the fanatic has. Fanatics are not interested in anyone else's views. Anyone with a different view is subject to ridicule and abuse. The extremists go so far as to kill those who disagree.

I am sure that there are other fanatics on here but Liz is in a league, nay, a world, of her own. I don't believe she would really kill anyone who disagreed but it looks like she has thought about it in my case ;-) Don, Jeri, SRS - Sorry but I have had to suffer this for years. Welcome to the ever growing club of people who will be against the wall come the Cornish revolution!
