The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148169   Message #3440902
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
23-Nov-12 - 06:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: US Thanksgiving--Debate
Subject: RE: BS: US Thanksgiving--Debate
The post at the start of this thread was in the OTHER Thanksgiving thread. A mod took it out and started this thread. Take it up with whoever the mod was who did it, Greg.

I've explained this many times over..

I've also explained the power of Facebook too. But hey, as you don't believe me, then take a look at the 'Nobel Peace Prize for Malala' thread and you will learn about the petition now being signed by many hundreds of thousands of people for Malala.

Sometimes these petitions carry great weight. The one started up to protect the Guarani-Kaiowa Tribe from eviction of their land finally got Brazil's genocidal president, Dilma Rousseff, to back off. Sadly, she's ignored MILLIONS of signatures on other petitions about Belo Monte.....1.3 MILLION of these were collected in under a week in Brazil by the Drop Of Water campaign which took place on...wait for it...Facebook...She ignored all these signatures too, because she is obssessed with being The One Who Built Belo Monte.

Yes, pages, GOOD pages, DO take a great deal of work. You have to attend to them every single day, otherwise your viewing figures will begin to drop, as will the numbers of new posters coming to the page..

Here is the video made by some of the posters from around the world, from my page, when one of them, Nadine, from Lebanon, stepped forward to ask for help in making this..

It has been seen by the Bastards of Norte Energia who run TV Belo Monte, a propaganda station basically, which tries to assure the world that Belo Monte is a bloody wonderful idea. They are truly pissed off about her film..which is great! It's also 'out there' in French and Portuguese now...

Citizens of the World Against Belo Monte

So, you see, others are inspired and so the story grows. From this page came Nadine's video which is being shared around the world....

This page is also inspired from the Support Chief Raoni page. ALL the words on here are mine, but some kind soul took them, along with links I'd put on, and made it into a page that is there all the time, for FB pages move on every day. So now people can share this too...

Blue Feather Spirit Blog - The Belo Monte Dam

Cool, isn't it! I LOVE it! I LOVE the power of Facebook to connect people around the world.

It is, of course, why Russell Means used the internet every day, with his FB page, his main site and his many, many videos, for Russell knew the power that lies inside it..

It is another reason why Russell and I would have got on well, had we ever met, Greg..which I know pisses you off, but heyho, 'tis the way it is. I'm no new ager, nor wannabee indian. I'm merely a woman pissed off with what the Native Americans are still having to endure to this day and I'v decided to do my bit in standing beside them, nothing more.

Obviously, you seem to have trouble taking in what I say, so may I politely suggest you read through this slowly in order that I don't have to repeat it all for you, yet again.

thank you and have a good day (which is the polite version of 'up yours', of course) ;0)