The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148169   Message #3440923
Posted By: kendall
23-Nov-12 - 07:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: US Thanksgiving--Debate
Subject: RE: BS: US Thanksgiving--Debate
Analize the word History. His story. Written by the winners.

"The British mistreated the Americans", let's see now, the colonists asked King George 3 to send troops to protect them against the savages that they had robbed of their land and whatever else they wanted. Then, George expected them to help pay for their own defense in the form of taxes! Imagine that, paying your fair share, sound familiar?

The French gave the Indians their religion, trade goods and even taught them to scalp enemies.

The English gave the Indians blankets infected with small pox.

Whose history do you choose to believe?