The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148169   Message #3440958
Posted By: Greg F.
23-Nov-12 - 09:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: US Thanksgiving--Debate
Subject: RE: BS: US Thanksgiving--Debate
The post at the start of this thread was in the OTHER Thanksgiving thread.

But YOU are the author of it, right Liz? Who gives a rats who "moved" it or to where? Its still yours.

"The Power Of Facebook" - sounds like a new Star Wars movie, Liz- It is to laugh. Farcebook is a mythical "community"[sic] that exists(?) only in cyberspace. Turn off your electronic toys & get out in the real world - unless that's too difficult for you.

But then, NOTHING is too difficult for Wasichu Wonder Woman, right?

And by the way, still waiting for answers to questions posed 22 Nov 12 - 05:54 PM