The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148169   Message #3440959
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
23-Nov-12 - 09:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: US Thanksgiving--Debate
Subject: RE: BS: US Thanksgiving--Debate
Thank you, John... xxx

Mayet, you haven't a clue WHAT Malcolm McLaren knew about Leonard Peltier before he died, so please, do NOT try to insinuate he knew nothing at all. Check with Vivienne Westwood. You'll find her on Facebook and in her blog and via Google, that way your Pedantic Pants may get some relaxation.

As to Annie Mae, Leonard Peltier had nothing to do with her death. Ask John Trudell and look at the facts. You can also read Leonard's letter about Kamook and Annie online. There is a small, but strong, group of Leonard Haters on the internet, led by retired FBI boysies. I've come into contact with them all, including Annie's daughter, Denise. We have exchanged a great many messages. She decided to tell people on one of her many pages where she slags Leonard off at every opportunity, that I had called her a Fed. This is the point she lost ALL respect from me, for I had done no such thing, as well she knew. She refused to apologise. She refused to remove her post...and so I came to realize that she actually rather enjoys the attention she is getting, for the more sympathy she gets, the happier she seems to be.

She knows full well that Leonard cannot reply to her comments. She also knows full well that her 'Gun In The Mouth' accusation is balderdash for the very video she uses to try to sway people to her side of this story contains only ONE such accusation, made on behalf of another person, who apparently told the woman this story. Several other women are on that film saying that someone who was drunk held a gun to Annie's head and accused her of being a fed.

Annie is reported to have said to her friends that she told this person to go ahead and shoot her if that was truly what he thought of her. He did not shoot her. The gun was lowered and Annie went home.

Annie Mae had been set up by the FBI who created total confusion and mistrust within AIM, arresting many people wherever Annie turned up, yet always leaving her entirely alone. Thus the rumours grew and grew, helped along by an FBI Informer, who it is said Annie knew the name of.

Please also remember that Annie had an affair behind the back of her best friend, with her best friend's husband, Dennis Banks. Both of them were in the wrong. Kamook was desperately upset and admitted to this under oath, as she was still in love with Dennis at the time.

Kamook went on to tape conversations for the FBI of her talks with Dennis and she accepted over $40,000 from them as 'living expenses' during her trial. She slammed Dennis and Leonard perfectly, almost in a script that could have been written by the FBI themselves.

Shortly after the trial she married Robert Ecoffey, a former GOON, one of the hated men of Dick Wilson who caused terror and great fear on Pine Ridge.

This broke Leonard apart for he had looked upon Kamook as a sister and to this day he does not understand what happened to her and why she went against her own People.

Denise says she wants the truth to come out, but she refuses to even mention the MASSIVE role the FBI played in all of this. They regarded AIM as one of, if not, THE most dangerous Movement on their list and they were determined to take them down. Using Annie Mae as their main target was a good move for them, for they surely caused mayhem when this happened...

Does Denise ever mention David Price, the agent who told Annie he'd see her dead 'within the year' ? Nope....

Does she ever mention COINTELPRO and what the FBI and GOONS did on Pine Ridge? Nope....

ALL she wants is to finish blowing apart AIM and with Paul Demain (spit!) right beside her she will continue on. It seems he has taken control of her, in my view. Demain is hated by many and he can be damned unpleasant, trust me, he's directed his anger at me...He's also racist too. He's incensed I speak out, as is are the rest of them. They put me in their blogs, ridicule me on their pages...just like the Moaning Minnies in here do...but they will never stop me talking.

I do NOT believe John Graham killed Annie Mae and his trial too was a farce...I do NOT believe Arlo Looking Cloud's statement and indeed Arlo has withdrawn what he said, saying he was drunk at the time..I believe the FBI used Arlo...and that John Graham is another Leonard Peltier, used to cover up what *really* happened.

Denise tells me over and over that there were 25 witnesses. There weren't. There were 25 people who all gave different versions of what was alleged to have happened. These stories varied greatly in their telling. This was put down to the murder having happened so long ago....   ???????? Really???? Surely, if you saw someone being taken out to be shot you'd remember it in every gory, scary detail? But nope, the judge said it was OK that there were so many discrepancies, so that's that. Of course, there was NO evidence to prove that John shot Annie, nor will there ever be, yet there he sits, locked away for life, with NO parole whatsoever....

Now, WHY would the FBI want to make sure that again a prisoner they've had put away doesn't ever get out?

Also, Denise will use the words of Robideau when it suits her, yet when I have sent words from Bob where he stated outright that Leonard had nothing to do with Annie's death she tells me that Bob changed his mind all the time, said one thing, then said another....yet she USES his words to get at Leonard KNOWING he was totally unreliable in what he said at times.

Annie LOATHED the FBI with every fibre of her body, yet now, her daughter sits in their corner, aligning herself with the Trimbachs and Woods of this world whilst telling me, pathetically, that she will not say anything about the FBI because she has no proof...

I've told her that if she DID speak out about them, then it would start to blow this whole thing apart in the RIGHT way and that finally, if SHE demanded the FBI to be investigated over THEIR part in her Mother's death, then *finally* she may get to the REAL Truth of what happened and who it was who laid that path down which led to Annie's death, for they were just as guilty as whoever shot her. She also refuses to speak out about the shocking way the FBI treated her mother's body and the many things they did after Annie's death.

I cannot force her to do anything..and we no longer talk....but I refuse to keep quiet whilst she continues to try to drag Leonard Peltier through the dirt.

For way too long people have kept silent about what Denise is doing, because they're all worried about hurting her any further. Well, she's a tough cookie, believe me...and after she chose to lie about me, she saw the other side of me and I lost ALL worry about upsetting her, because trust me on this one, Denise doesn't care WHO she upsets, and she doesn't care about Leonard Peltier's reputation, nor the fact he's been in prison for over 37 YEARS now after being framed by the very people she has chosen to let off the hook in every way.

Oh..and her sister is a Policewoman in Canada, so I guess it's a bit tricksy for Denise to slam the fooking FBI...

Anyway...I hope my War & Peace explanation has helped a little....
Do PM me if you want to know more, rather than fill this thread with bullshit about Leonard or Malcolm or anyone else.....

Ta muchly....