The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148169   Message #3440973
Posted By: Greg F.
23-Nov-12 - 10:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: US Thanksgiving--Debate
Subject: RE: BS: US Thanksgiving--Debate
That's right Liz, no one knows the "truth" but you, and everyone lies but you - even tho you've never been in the U.S. or actually met any of the people concerned, or know anything but what you're read or heard third-hand. Quite amazing.

Its all about YOU, isn't it, Liz - and Leonard & all the rest got lost somewhere along the way.

and we no longer talk....

I suspect, Liz, that she ain't the only one of your "friends" that you've completely alienated & won't have anything more to do with you..

Denise doesn't care WHO she upsets,

Now THAT's damned hysterical! SHE doesn't care who she upsets? None so blind, Liz, none so blind.