The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27849   Message #344121
Posted By: Dan Schatz
20-Nov-00 - 03:47 PM
Thread Name: What's up in Derry, NH?
Subject: RE: What's up in Derry, NH?
Gee, I thought they were all Joe Glazer songs.

Seriously, it was a good time, and a pleasure for a newbie mudcatter like myself to see faces and hear voices before getting to know only the names. It was also a pleasure to see some familiar faces.

I was there until about 8 o;clock, and wanted to stay longer, but had to get back to the White Mountains and be rested for the morning.

By the way, someone (Jeri, I think?) asked for the lyrics to one of my songs. I'd be glad to post it, but could you remind me which song it was you wanted the lyrics to?

As best I recall, I sang

Thomas of Winesbury Leave Time In the Old Days I Was Right (I thought I goofed the lyrics on that one, but people told me I was wrong, I was right all along.) Roustabout Survivor Leave A Song in the Darkness

and probably several others which don't pop to mind this moment.

Hands down highlight for me was Barry's song about kids with special needs. I'd love it if you decided to post the lyrics to that one, Barry - although I'll understand if you decide not to. It's a beautiful, haunting song. Thank you for singing it.
