The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148260   Message #3441318
Posted By: GUEST,SirCoughsalot
24-Nov-12 - 01:45 AM
Thread Name: Steve Goodman Guitar Style
Subject: Steve Goodman Guitar Style
Hi all. Recently, I've been listening to a lot of Steve Goodman. I'd heard of Steve before, and it was always in the context of writing and who had sung his songs - quite impressive. But when I actually listened to the man himself what immediately struck me was what a fantastic guitar player he was! Examples of what I'm talking about can be heard here and here. There are many other examples on many of his recordings... I've never heard a solo acoustic act play solos the way he does. Even on very simple songs there are great touches he adds, even with no breaks. But what I really want to know is is there anywhere I can find out more about playing the way Steve did or even how he developed this style. Any help would be greatly appreciated.