The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27917   Message #344144
Posted By: GUEST,
20-Nov-00 - 04:42 PM
Thread Name: Help: Help finding 'bawdy ballads?'
Subject: Help finding 'bawdy ballads?'
i am currently researching music for my touring 'wench' show -- i have racked my brain out trying to find new material (other than 'roll your leg over' and things of the same ilk) for us to perform.

anyone? help?

specificaly - i am searching for the lyrics and tune to a bawdy song about three king's daughters... ? i think the tune is called 'purity, chastity and virtue.'

of course - any other suggestions for material would be most graciously accepted... :) kate k

Digital Tradition Keywords Page (click) - search for "bawdy"