The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147734   Message #3441959
Posted By: Stringsinger
25-Nov-12 - 10:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Vilnai: inflict a 'shoah' on Gaza
Subject: RE: BS: Vilnai: inflict a 'shoah' on Gaza
Jews are not being demonized. Zionist propaganda is. The point is that we have a potential Stockholm Syndrome when the Likud Government starts acting like Zionazis.

There are many Jews world wide who decry Israel's application of Zionism, some are rabbis and others with Jewish heritage such as Naomi Klein, Norman Finkelstein, Goldstone (of the Goldstone report), Noam Chomsky who actually knows more about Judaism than anyone here, and Uri Avnery.

As I have stated before, falling on deaf ears to the erstwhile Israeli supporters here,David ben Gurion would be embarrassed to see what Zionism has become. He at least was honest enough to say that "we took their land" and was sensitive to this issue.

The lies are coming from the supporters of Israeli aggression and occupation.
In spite of the legitimate reality on the ground in Palestine, a tenacious, almost religious fervor takes hold of these supporters and no other facts are allowed into the discussion except the fictions they endorse.

Fortunately, there are Israelis who really care about the atrocities their country is committing despite that fact that many of done jail time, such as Uri Avnery and members of Gush Shalom, in a so-called democratic country which is becoming a theocracy day by day.

It is common knowledge that Hamas employs rocketry which kills practically no Israelis in proportion to the many thousands of Palestinians which have died, many women and children at the hands of the Israeli military.

There is no legitimate defense of the use of rocketry but this would cease when and if Israel decides to enter into a real peace negotiation and not the facade that they use to appropriate more land, expansion, and military buildup.