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Thread #145598   Message #3442487
Posted By: GUEST,Blandiver
26-Nov-12 - 12:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
Subject: RE: BS: Prometheus Anyone?
I'm still obsessing over Prometheus... Of course I BOUGHT the DVD - no special edition (mutter, mutter) except on BluRay - 7 hours of extras! On the DVD you get 10 minutes... STILL - it makes more sense second time around to know what is going on in terms of Back Story - even if it is a tad Biblical. A lot Biblical actually: Creators pissed off at human idiocy send down messiah to sort things out but messiah is killed by humans so creators decide to clease earth of humans but get chomped by their own evil apocalypse goo which then intracts with human / creator DNA to create (Ta DA!) PROTOTYPE ALIEN XENOMORPH. Sense did I say?? Ha! No such luck. But I'm loathe to let it go - even to the point where I just know I'll get the Blu Ray edition.

The other night in my Academic Widowhood (my wife is currently studying as well as working hard, so some evenings I must spent alone) I watched Special Edition + all the creaturettes. A act of davage desperation on my part, but with a few beers it was a blast. TONIGHT - however - I'll be watching our special edition (tin box) edition of the amazing DISTRICT 9, which I forgot we had until I was looking for Caligula. Yay!! Then (if there's time) I'll watch half an hour or so of the newly arrived (in time for Xmas) Minimum-Maximum DVD by Kraftwerk.

The job's a good 'un!