The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148332   Message #3443846
Posted By: GUEST,John Moulden
28-Nov-12 - 03:05 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: The fourteenth day of February
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: The fourteenth day of February
If it's not the Bold Princess Royal might it be the song that Sam Henry printed as The French Privateer and which Roud confuses with The Dolphin whereas it is cognate with the song Robert Cinnamond sang as The Irish Proivateer and Father Joseph Ranson Collected in Wexford and called The Spanish Privateer - English ballad sheets called The Spanish Snow, The Spanish Noah, The Spanish Nore and British Bravery. It deals with a Belfast based privateer called The Amazon which was fought only once and was wrecked on a lee shore on returning from that battle - c. 1780.