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Thread #147391   Message #3444043
Posted By: Bill D
28-Nov-12 - 08:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Alternative to Science??
Subject: RE: BS: Alternative to Science??
..."no thing comes into being without a sufficient cause..."

Um...Pete... this true, but trivial. It is 'almost' a tautology and proves **nothing** about what kind of cause in this case. We who accept evolution do not KNOW what the "sufficient cause" (more narrowly, the "remote cause") was. We are interested in speculating about it, but we do not need an absolute answer.

Stating that "god did it" because the bible says so and god inspired the bible is simply circular... the 'proof' is included in the assumptions!

You know, all this is not really necessary... no one can fault you for 'believing' that some supreme Being set everything in motion, but we can and DO fault you for rejecting the hard evidence of science for WHEN it happened and how everything developed AFTER 'creation'.

It is simply, flatly, clearly impossible for all that IS on the Earth to be only a few thousand years old. It DID take hundreds of millions of years for many complex changes to bring about the things we see...and are.
Your 'faith'...which you have admitted was late in coming and as a result of listening to other men in a fundamentalist church... is impressive, but is very insular and leaves you in an awkward position.
If you are happy there... *shrug*.. fine. The reason so many of us debate you is that we worry about bad reasoning infecting others and affecting real studies and science.

take care....