found a list of the songs in "Bawdy Beautiful"Better Thief
Six Nights Drunk - see "our goodman" in the DT
There Was an Old Farmer
Maids When You're Young - you know this one
The Handsome Cabin Boy - in the DT
Bantam Cock
Johnny Be Fair - you know this too, yes?
God Bless The Human Member
Bonnie Black Hare - pretty sure this is in DT
Three Drunken Maidens - Shanough knows it if you don't
The Widow & The Fairy
The Lusty Young Smith - at cantaria site lusty young smith
The Lass With The Delicate Air
Dundee Weaver
Chastity Belt
The Ultimate "Bawdy" Song
Other ones I can think of:
The cooper of Dundee
The Two Magicians here
Friar of Great Renown