The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27917 Message #344527
Posted By: Bat Goddess
21-Nov-00 - 11:05 AM
Thread Name: Help: Help finding 'bawdy ballads?'
Subject: RE: Help: Help finding 'bawdy ballads?'
Another of my favorites is Robert Burns' "Nine Inch Will Please a Lady" -- fer gawd's sake don't listen to the version on the recent Merry Muses of Caledonia CD. Haven't a clue as to where they got the melody.
Ed Cray's books are a good source. (The Erotic Muse) He also wrote a few bawdy ballad books in the '60s anonymously and under the name of (damn! I can't remember and the book is misfiled). D'Urfey's Pills to Purge Melancholy, of course, for period pieces. (As well as all the "When Dalliance Was In Flower" LPs mentioned above.)
Joe Bettencourt (Ioseph of Locksley) has several great collections on-line for SCA use.
There is also a bawdy song list. PM me and I'll send you sign up info. There's a lovely Brit lady named Llewtrah whose hobby is collecting rugby songs and writing parodies, sometimes of traditional songs. She posts quite often.