The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148390   Message #3446518
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
03-Dec-12 - 11:01 PM
Thread Name: Declutter & Exercise )()( December 2012
Subject: RE: Declutter & Exercise )()( December 2012
When will he start school, Michelle?

Very busy day today, one that battered the spirit a bit. Lots of good things were done, but one favor went awry (why, if you tell someone that you'll see if a date and time are available for an event in one of your event rooms does the person assume it is and tell everyone else? The room turns out not to be available because an event already scheduled there will last longer than I thought.) By quitting time today all I could offer to the last person who brought it up was that "no good deed goes unpunished." Her answer was "especially if it wasn't your deed." But I wasn't doing anyone else's job, I had been asked a question by someone from campus, I simply asked a couple of questions and forwarded the information over to the person who does the job. Sheesh. This co-worker is dying a slow death of inoperable cancer, punctuated by bouts of chemo to prolong her life. She has been very busy and I tried to give her all of the information to make her decision on the room a little easier. Events intruded, and I don't need the others sniping about it, my co-worker and I cleared it up.

It's only Monday of what looks like a VERY LONG WEEK.