The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148457   Message #3447285
Posted By: John MacKenzie
05-Dec-12 - 04:56 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Logger Lover Parody
Subject: Lyr Req: Logger Lover Parody
Once upon a time when the world was younger, likewise myself. I vaguely remember a parody of the Logger Lover, which was about a biker, who built this amazing motor sickle..
First verse went something like this.

As I sat down one evening within a small cafe
A six foot seven inch waitress these words to me did say
I see that you're a biker, my lover was one of those.
'Cos only a biker has, a bug spot on his nose.

It then goes on to relate the building of his bike.

He took out the Harley engine, and did it up real fine
Then he installed the engine of a used B29

Then it's fragments. Something about

He started up the engine and took like a bird
He was doing 180 when he shifted into third.

Last verse is similar to the original, except that she's come to the cafe to wait for someone, with a bug spot on his nose.