The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101028   Message #3447625
Posted By: Matthew Edwards
05-Dec-12 - 03:19 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Sheep Crook and Black Dog (from MacColl)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Sheep Crook and Black Dog (Ewan MacColl)
I did say earlier that I hoped to post the lyrics to 'Floro', as sung by Mrs Cassie Sheeran of Knockmore, Fermanagh which appeared on the cassette 'Here is a Health' - a collection of recordings from Fermanagh made by Seán Corcoran. However, thanks to Liberty Boy, I've found a superb YouTube recording of Rosie Stewart singing Floro, in a version very similar to the one sung by Mrs Sheeran.
