The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74786 Message #3447700
Posted By: GUEST,Dorcas
05-Dec-12 - 05:34 PM
Thread Name: 2016 Obit: Don Shepherd
Subject: RE: Don Shepherd - is he still around
Am sat here listening to dad's music and it made me think of the lovely mudcat thread. He is still doing well - the grand children numbers have increased! There are now 6 and a 7th due any day!!! Chaos reigns.
He and mum have had a bit of a rough year so we are looking forward to a calmer 2013.
I would love for one of the children to inherit dad's talent. I still listen to the music - and cry a lot!! i never get bored of it. It reminds me of how remarkable my parents are and the early years of my childhood.
I will remind him to stop by the thread and check in!!