The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27949   Message #344907
Posted By: Ebbie
21-Nov-00 - 10:28 PM
Thread Name: Well, They Have Spoken... Or Have They?
Subject: Well, They Have Spoken... Where is it?
I'm looking for the website where the "42-page" ruling is nestling, and haven't found it. I checked under Florida Supreme Court 2000 and got lots of material but nothing about today's activities. The clerk said it would be on there as soon as he finished speaking.

Can someone direct me to it?

Actually, I was hoping the Supreme Court would find in favor of Bush's position, only because I think that if at this stage Gore is found to be the president elect, the Republicans are going to be scary. (Only my opinion, folks.) The Democrats, on the other hand, come across as somewhat resigned and accepting.

I'm not a registered partisan but obviously I tilt toward the Democrats.
