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Thread #147734   Message #3449370
Posted By: Jim Carroll
08-Dec-12 - 03:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Vilnai: inflict a 'shoah' on Gaza
Subject: RE: BS: Vilnai: inflict a 'shoah' on Gaza
I am not surprised that you find Keith's arguments "factual" and from "unbiased" sources, though I do wonder how you square them with your previous claims of opposition to Israeli policy.
Perhaps you'd like to point out which of his arguments you find factually unbiased "NO RESTRICTIONS ON FOOD, MEDICINE, OR HUMANITARIAN SUPPLIES. THERE IS NO SHORTAGE OF FOOD" maybe?

I understand the term Zionism, as used by Jewish friends (The same ones who told me "they're making us look like a bunch of Fascists") squares roughly with the description below, particularly the last paragraph.
It is a reference to what has happened to Israel and made it the terrorist state it has become - shame on you for hiding behind the accusation of "racism" again.
Jim Carroll

"Zionism is a political movement among Jews (although supported by some non-Jews) which maintains that the Jewish people constitute a nation and are entitled to a national homeland. Formally founded in 1897, Zionism embraced a variety of opinions in its early years on where that homeland might be established. From 1917 it focused on the establishment of a Jewish national homeland or state in Palestine, the location of the ancient Kingdom of Israel. Since 1948, Zionism has been a movement to support the development and defence of the State of Israel, and to encourage Jews to settle there.

Since the Six Day War of 1967, when Israel took control of the West Bank and Gaza, the objectives and methods of the Zionist movement and of Israel have come under increasing criticism. The Arab world opposed the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine from the outset, but during the course of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians since 1967, the legitimacy of Israel, and thus of Zionism, has been increasingly questioned in the wider world. Since the breakdown of the Oslo Accords in 2001, attacks on Zionism in media, intellectual and political circles, particularly in Europe, have reached new levels of intensity.Zionism is a political movement among Jews (although supported by some non-Jews) which maintains that the Jewish people constitute a nation and are entitled to a national homeland. Formally founded in 1897, Zionism embraced a variety of opinions in its early years on where that homeland might be established. From 1917 it focused on the establishment of a Jewish national homeland or state in Palestine, the location of the ancient Kingdom of Israel. Since 1948, Zionism has been a movement to support the development and defence of the State of Israel, and to encourage Jews to settle there."