The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147391   Message #3450034
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
10-Dec-12 - 04:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: Alternative to Science??
Subject: RE: BS: Alternative to Science??
Well Frogs, you sorta got part of it...but not all the way..and your analysts, is a bit colored....but you are correct, in the fact that the behavior is NOT genetic. It is the receptors and how/and/why they got 'set up' the way they did.

..and yes, that development can,(and often is) be set up as early in the womb...much the way receptors 'crave' to be 'satisfied'...for an example(and don't go's just an example), some babies are born with a chemical dependance, if the mother was 'using' during her pregnancy.

Being as the fetus is 'attached' to the mother, during the formation of the child's receptors in the nervous system, are also 'influenced' in their development. the mother and child are as one, sharing the same nutrients and system's energy.
Though homosexuality is not exactly a chemical dependency, the nervous system, in it's set up, creates certain behavioral patterns...some, have an emotional 'impact and influence', that has nothing to do with the desire for one gender over another.

..........unless you believe that the mother and child are not, 'as one'...but an independent life.....then the double standard has to explain away abortion not being murder..... it's either the same..or not.....and what the mother is going through in her pregnancy, directly affects the fetus.

You've heard of people playing music to their babies during pregnancy, and the child is born with an appreciation for maybe being 'gifted'......same principle.

I really hope you don't want to 'argue' this point...but rather research it...with an open(or at least not programmed) mind.

Anyway, nice talkin' to ya'...