The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148575   Message #3451015
Posted By: saulgoldie
12-Dec-12 - 01:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Fox News in the waiting room
Subject: RE: BS: Fox News in the waiting room
I don't givashit WHAT it is. I DUNNAE WANT my peaceful waiting (for whatever) to be intruded upon by E-N-N-Y aural or visual noise. Not "seasonal," not "other seasonal," not nothing, no way, and no how!! NEVAH!!

If I am shopping, then let me think and get it done properly. And if I am "just waiting," well then, whythefuck aren't you ready for me that you feel you must "entertain" me?? Millions of people are on time each day, and each hour. Why can't YOU be??!!!

Why yes. Yes, I DO feel much better for that. Thank you very much.
