The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147391   Message #3451559
Posted By: Steve Shaw
13-Dec-12 - 07:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Alternative to Science??
Subject: RE: BS: Alternative to Science??
Hi Steve.

I just wondered if you had any thoughts on what Dawkins has to say about falsifiability. The key semtence, in case you missed it is "Evolution, in other words, is a falsifiable, and therefore scientific, theory."

Not hectoring, just couching a very apposite question.

Your problem is, oh slime-traily one, that you think I'm somehow opposed to Popper and his falsifiability. The fact of the matter is that you are are trying to show how clever you are by raising it. So, let me ask you, hectoring-free, why it is that you suspect, apparently, and so misguidedly (your trademark, actually), why you think I don't adhere to yer man? Because (just like Popper - why don't you check?) that I consider that science is capable of yielding truths? Or, heaven forfend, that you think I've never heard of Popper because I've never mentioned him or that you think, heaven forfend ever more, I've never heard of him? Ooooh, darling, you crawl on such dangerous ground!