The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148625   Message #3452223
Posted By: Keef
15-Dec-12 - 07:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Al can solar heater (YT video)
Subject: RE: BS: Al can solar heater (YT video)
What I love about this is that the man has actually built a better mousetrap,shown how it works and is hoping that the world will beat a path to his door.
If it is combined with some heat storage then it could really provide some useful energy savings in cold (but sunny) climates.
Compare this with the multitude of GREEN WIDGET SCAM companies that demand money up front from investors and governments to keep their directors supplied with FERRARIS and TRUFFLES (OINK) while they make endless excuses for the delays in delivery.

I got bored (and poor) trying to stop the GREAT SUNCUBE SWINDLE
but I've found another target.

This wave energy (Oh Lordy!) company has been snuffling up green swill for 25 years and has delivered NOTHING!
Green Widget coming real soon...send munny!

My take on this....
Comments (1)

keefwotspeaksthetroofComments (16)

The only thing OPTT produces is bullshit.
After 25 years they don't have a working PowerBuoy.
They have never delivered ANY power to shore.
Nobody wants their stupid autonomous PowerPhooeys, that is just another delaying tactic.
Oh dear, the weather is a tad inclement we'll have to delay some more!
Where are the PowerPhooeys that have been promised (and paid for) at the Cornwall Wave hub and EMEC in Scotland?
As for the idea that the PB150 was "just a prototype" and the new PB500 will be along real soon "send munny now".


The idea that a behemoth like the PB500 will be more efficient is laughable.
What responds best to wave motion?

The PB500 will just sit there in the water like a big pile of rusting scrap iron as the waves slosh up against it.

Naturally the analysts at the press conference never ask the hard questions.
If they did then the game would be all over.

The only money that OPTT has ever earned is the cash that has been paid up front by dumb as dogshit governments who want to be seen to be green.

One final thing, how does a company that has never earned a cracker from sales justify paying half a dozen geriatric directors MILLIONS of dollars in salaries? 14 Dec, 05:36 P