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Thread #147391   Message #3452251
Posted By: TheSnail
15-Dec-12 - 08:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Alternative to Science??
Subject: RE: BS: Alternative to Science??
Thanks for the link to the Guardian Notes & Queries column Steve. The reader contribution you quoted was from someone calling himself Robbothedoc. Quite what his academic status is we can't tell but he appears to be from the Scientific-theory-as-a-belief-system school of thought.

Well you don't trust Dawkins
Who said? I am sure he is a very capable and knowledgeable man; I just find some of his pronouncements a bit puzzling. He invokes falsifiability to justify the claim that evolution is scientific yet declares it to be true. How can he have it both ways?
Here's a video of him in action.

And finally:

Nobody is denying that science can yield truths

You are!

No I'm not, I'm saying that scientific theories can't be described as true.

Scientific study has demonstrated the truth, in its main tenets, of evolution. Not of evolution theory, of evolution.

Not really getting anywhere am I? Since you have frequently used evolution and the theory of evolution interchangeably (sometimes in the same sentence), it's difficult to be sure what you mean. You once referred to evolution as a concept. Could you give a straightforward definition of what you mean by evolution ( as opposed to the theory)? It helps if we agree on what we are talking about.
Perhaps this would help from the New Scientist

Evolution has several facets. The first is the theory that all living species are the modified descendents of earlier species, and that we all share a common ancestor in the distant past. All species are therefore related via a vast tree of life. The second is that this evolution is driven by a process of natural selection or the - "survival of the fittest".

That seems to imply that the term "evolution" is a composite of two theories.
I notice that in the quote from Dawkins' The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution he calls evolution a theory.

If you know of anything truer than evolution that science has ever elucidated for us, then let's be having it.
The speed of light in a vacuum is 299,792,458 metres per second.

Since you are very good at brushing aside quotes from the great and good, how about this one?
"No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong" Albert Einstein

Thank you for laying off the childish abuse. If you could drop the ad hominem attacks as well it would do no end of good for your credibility.