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Thread #147391   Message #3452502
Posted By: Steve Shaw
15-Dec-12 - 08:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Alternative to Science??
Subject: RE: BS: Alternative to Science??
If you know of anything truer than evolution that science has ever elucidated for us, then let's be having it.
The speed of light in a vacuum is 299,792,458 metres per second.

Evolution is abundantly demonstrable to such a degree that, in its major tenets, it cannot be overturned. The speed of light in a vacuum (by which I assume you mean a perfect vacuum) has never been demonstrated, as a perfect vacuum has never been detected nor has ever been produced.

Actually, I'm pretty sure you're right that your speed of light example is true. But the evidence for it is indirect. It involves an extrapolation. The evidence for evolution, on the other hand, is very direct. So I don't know how you can possibly say it's truer than evolution.

As for this, which you say is from New Scientist:

Evolution has several facets. The first is the theory that all living species are the modified descendents [sic] of earlier species, and that we [sic] all share a common ancestor in the distant past. All species are therefore related via a vast tree of life. The second is that this evolution is driven by a process of natural selection or the - "survival of the fittest".

This is a very poor representation of evolution theory, written in sloppy (and, in one case, misspelled) English. Very Daily Express. The final sentence in particular makes me squirm. I can't begin to imagine what your point in reproducing it might be. Still, we all have our off days, I suppose.