The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147102   Message #3452746
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
16-Dec-12 - 09:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: 'Gay marriage' question
Subject: RE: BS: 'Gay marriage' question
"" you ever read any posts?
I have just spent an amount of time responding to Tia's civil question on this subject.

Yes Ake, I do read posts, even yours, and nowhere in the post to which you refer is there any sensible response to either of my questions.

You certainly make a lot of basically suspect assertions, based in bad arithmetic, which do not stand up to scrutiny, predicated, as they are, upon your purely personal opinion that:-

1). Homosexuals are by nature more promiscuous than heterosexuals. STD statistics clearly indicate they are NOT!
2). Homosexuals do not want to enter the state of marriage (where did you acquire your mindreading expertise, BTW?). The queues of them booking weddings wherever it is permitted give the lie to that assumption.
3). That homosexuals' relationships revolve around sex only, rather than any real loving commitment. Nothing could be further from the truth.
4). That telling children in school about the existence of homosexuality is promoting it as a safe "lifestyle" and will persuade some of them to "convert". Simple claptrap! They are either straight or gay and either way, knowledge will not hurt them.

Your very insistence upon calling homosexuality a "lifestyle" (which it is not) is a blatant attempt to cast gender orientation in the worst possible light.

You are, whether you know it or not, posting homophobic lies.

Don T.