The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148610   Message #3452860
Posted By: GUEST,DDT
16-Dec-12 - 01:16 PM
Thread Name: Another school rampage shooting [Newtown, CT]
Subject: RE: Another school rampage shooting [Newtown, CT]
The NRA/gun lobby--the true destroyers of the family. It is their desire to arm everyone against everyone else peddling paranoia and fear for no other reason than to maximize the already bloated profits of the gun industry that is responsible for every member of someone's family shot dead or grievously wounded by some fruitcake with a firearm and an axe to grind.

In the US in 2007, there were 12,632 gun homicides but that is only part of the picture. That same year 17,352 other gun-related deaths were ruled suicides bringing the total to 31,224 gun-related deaths in the US during a single year. Of those suicides, how many were accidental, how many were by people who might have rethought their position using a slower method of death, how many were murders that were simply ruled as homicides? How many are shot to death whose bodies are never found or whose cause of death cannot be determined? The FBI reports that between 2006 and 2010, there 47,856 gun homicides in the United States. That's more than twice the amount of the people killed by any other means in that same period. NOW--think how many families are destroyed in this country by guns.

The NRA/gun lobby is this society's true destroyer of morals, truth, safety and family. Not socialism, not Islam, not liberalism, not gay marriage, not abortion, not illegal immigration, not legalized marijuana--none of these have done a thing to destroy the family, national security or social fabric of this country. The culprit is the NRA/gun lobby. And it's all in the name of profit.

The people of America are full participants with the NRA/gun lobby so they too must accept their own role in destroying the family. All the gun manufacturers have to do is announce a certain weapon is "an endangered species" and there will be huge run on purchasing that weapon--99% of those purchases by people with no legitimate use for that weapon.

Despite bans of various assault pistols as the TEC9 and its variants, they are still available and can be purchased off the internet. Once a weapon is manufactured and sent out to a distributor, there is no way to keep it out of any American community whether it is banned there or not. A single weapon can make its way across the country and back again in a matter of days thanks to gun shows and the 130,000-150,000 licensed dealers who furnish the weapons sold at those shows. There is no way to keep them out of the hands of criminals, no way to keep them out of the hands of fruitcakes. Background checks are largely pointless. If a would-be mass murderer can't get the weapons at a gun store, he'll get them at a gun show or buy one from a private citizen.

The huge run on guns that occurred at both the election and reelection of Obama have put millions more of these weapons on the market where one of them may eventually kill you or a loved one--no matter how safe you think your community is. If you live in the US, you are not safe because the NRA/gun lobby is a self-fulfilling prophecy. "Buy more guns because this country isn't safe!" And the reason the country isn't safe is because of all the guns flowing into every nook and cranny of this country.

We have made guns sacred in the US. Any attempt to curb their sale or availability is met with shrieks that your god-given right to bear arms is being taken from you and next you will herded into concentration camps for the New World Order. Only our guns, they tell us, keep that from happening. And even if that was true--at what price?

Whenever, we attempt to legislate control in the sale of firearms, it precipitates a run on the purchase of these weapons thwarting the very reason for the legislation. The Washington Post insists that gun ownership is in decline and that may be but what difference does that make when CNN reports that in 2009 there were 310 million non-military guns in circulation in the US and ABC News reports that 2012 was "a record-setting year for gun sales"?

According to the ATF, 5.4 million new guns were manufactured in the US in 2010 of which 95% were intended only for the US market. Another 3.2 million firearms were imported to the US that same year (the TEC9, the handgun of choice among American criminals and gangs in the 90s was actually manufactured in Sweden). So in 2010 alone, we had some 8.5 million NEW firearms put on the streets of America.

In 2011, of the 16,454,951 background checks conducted by NICS on gun sales in the US, only 78,211 were denied (that's less than half a percent). With a prison population in the millions, we are supposed to believe that only 78,211 of them tried to buy guns last year. Even so, the background checks conducted in the US in 2012 already surpass the total amount last year by 350,000 and the FBI reckons that by the end of December (the busiest year for gun sales--it's Christmas season after all), the total amount will top last year by 2 million!

There 51,438 retail gun stores in the US. Compare that to 36,569 grocery stores and 14,098 McDonalds restaurants. The later two combined don't equal the number of gun retail stores and that's not counting gun shows and pawn shops (7,356)! Only gas stations outnumber gun stores (143,839).

Who do we thank for this incredible number of guns floating around this society? We thank the NRA/gun lobby. And every time one of these weapons is used to kill someone's father, mother, son, daughter, sibling, cousin, neighbor, coworker, store clerk, cashier, cop or somebodywho just happened to walk in on a robbery in progress--who do we blame? We should blame the NRA/gun lobby--the destroyer of families.