The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27949   Message #345365
Posted By: Rollo
22-Nov-00 - 06:10 PM
Thread Name: Well, They Have Spoken... Or Have They?
Subject: RE: Well, They Have Spoken... Or Have They?
As a German I watch this U.S. Election Soap Opera with a mixture of Amusement and Horror. The most powerful person in the world is to be chosen and everyone cries "treachery!" only because the difference is just some hundreds of votes. And voila! up comes a whole bunch of suspect happenings, from forgotten urns to malevolent ballot design... Were it not for the U.S. presidentship but some instabile semi-democratic gouvernment in a crisis area, new elections under control of U.N. watchers would be pressed upon this country by the international community.

But thank god the difference is not too big for international community whoever wins this farce. I just hope you americans learn your lesson and change your election system to something fair and simple.

(Like one person, one vote. If you dont find anybody who wants to be the person, I volunteer to take this burden for you. *GGG*)