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Thread #147734   Message #3453732
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
18-Dec-12 - 08:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Vilnai: inflict a 'shoah' on Gaza
Subject: RE: BS: Vilnai: inflict a 'shoah' on Gaza
""Umpteen pages from Don attacking Israel's response to savage unrelenting terrorism, but not a word of criticism for the terrorists who cause it.
Do you still claim to be impartial Don?

Umpteen posts, maybe as much as half the posts on this forum, from Keith saying over and over again "Hamas evil" (True and I've never denied it), ""Israel squeaky clean and white as the driven snow, never done anything nasty, forced to destroy a neighbouring country, but feeding the poor souls out of the goodness of their little Israeli hearts""

And I'm the one showing partiality?.....I DON'T THINK SO!

And neither does the United Nations Team operating inside Gaza and seeing the day by day results.

And neither do 145 (minimum) ex and current Israeli soldiers, disgusted with the things they were ordered to do by their government.

And neither does B'Tselem, an Israeli group concerned about their government's record of human rights violations.

But Keith, as is his wont, ignores all evidence which conflicts with his hard wired PRO ISRAEL BIAS, and then has the immortal gall to accuse others of the bigotry in which he himself specialises.

Keith must really be a very clever man indeed.

He knows more than the United Nations, who have obviously misunderstood the reports of the team they have installed right at the sharp end, living under the threat of Israeli bombs and shells.

He knows more than the Israeli soldiers actually involved in hostile actions over a decade.

He knows more than an ISRAELI group investigating the Israeli government's effect on the human rights of Palestinians in both Gaza and the West Bank.

He knows so much more than all those intimately involved people, that he can dismiss everything they say out of hand.

What a genius! A legend in his own mind.

Don T.