The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147391   Message #3453769
Posted By: Musket
18-Dec-12 - 09:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Alternative to Science??
Subject: RE: BS: Alternative to Science??
Dissenters. That's a nice word for describing those with enduring mental health issues, personality disorder, acute depression and schizophrenia.

I bet most can't wait for the hospital chaplain to come and tell them that they must have angered Jesus in order to have such an illness.

Communists (?) put people away in the pretext of mental illness because it is a convenient description for a predetermined decision. We protect them and others from themselves, whilst attempting curative or palliative care. A bit of a difference or...

An excellent example of science versus alternatives. Or the theological versus the scientific approach. Not surprised our evangelical weirdo in residence call people with mental illness dissenters...


Mind you, he seems to have acknowledged my presence for once. So, as I go away to nurse my semi ........