The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147391   Message #3453983
Posted By: GUEST
18-Dec-12 - 06:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Alternative to Science??
Subject: RE: BS: Alternative to Science??
I think we have to face the fact that Steve has passed beyond the reach of rational debate. A pity because I had been doing more research.

A couple of things I don't want to let go to waste -
"The speed of light in a vacuum is 299,792,458 metres per second." isn't an experimental measurement. It is true because the metre is defined as the distance travelled by light in 1/299,792,458 of a second.

I stumbled on this gem -
Did you know that thanks to a common little snail you can find in your garden, in the park or under a hedge, you can see evolution in your own back yard? (