The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147391   Message #3454363
Posted By: Steve Shaw
19-Dec-12 - 02:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Alternative to Science??
Subject: RE: BS: Alternative to Science??
hey steve you almost sounded like you were singing from the creationist hymnbook in acknowledging that the natural selection involved in snail shell variation is no evidence of evolution

I acknowledged no such thing. To add to all your other severe shortcomings you now display misunderstanding of plain English. The variety of shell colours seen in snails in your garden is evidence that natural selection has taken place and is evidence that the material for more natural selection is present. However, the variety of shell colours also represents natural variation in a sexually reproducing species of snail. A bit like in people. Some are tall, like me, and some are stupid, like you. You don't go into a pub and see tall and stupid people all mixed up and shout "Hooray! Look! Evolution in action!" You might, however, observe that the variation you see is evidence that evolution has occurred and that the potential for further evolution is present. Evolution doesn't just mean the numbers of each variant swinging to and fro. Other stuff has to happen, such as some variants being lost altogether or new variants thrown up by mutation getting into the mix. And so on. Dynamic stuff, evolution, Exciting too. And, best of all, it definitely happens. It's true. And, unlike your "truth", there's a ton of evidence for it.