The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147734   Message #3454624
Posted By: MGM·Lion
20-Dec-12 - 02:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Vilnai: inflict a 'shoah' on Gaza
Subject: RE: BS: Vilnai: inflict a 'shoah' on Gaza
Revisiting this dismal, depressing thread for first time in several days. Find I still can't altogether agree with Keith but feel he has some points which appear sound, as e.g. to the age of the stupid Vilnai's threat [which only a minute bit of the small print of the OP ref'd article anyhow]; with mainly rational opposition from Don & Steve, who, apart from Don's at one point uncharacteristic & unfortunate lapse into calling him a "s**t" [sic], at least maintain a reasonable civility of response in keeping with K's generally urbane tone. In contrast to the egregious stinkingly-mannered Carroll, who can't argue without becoming abusive, flinging about hysterical accusations of 'hypocrisy' and such if anyone dares to question his doctrinaire and unshiftable lefty assumptions ~~ the sure mark of a pathetic fool. I used to have some respect for him folklorically, despite that pathetic arselicking of the MacColl ethic (all too clearly of a piece characteristically with his overall approach, in retrospect); but have sadly come to realise he is just a booby not worthy of the compliment of rational opposition, as the incomparable Jane Austen so cogently expresssed it.
