The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147102   Message #3454991
Posted By: Steve Shaw
20-Dec-12 - 06:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Gay marriage' question
Subject: RE: BS: 'Gay marriage' question
To baldly state that 50% of people with hiv worldwide are women, is meaningless, when over 60% of new infections in UK/US are among male homosexuals.

You yourself are a positive mine of misinformation. You neglect to tell us that HIV/Aids is massively more prevalent in certain third world countries, especially in Africa, than here, where fewer than one in 600 are HIV-positive. It is not possible to view correctly the figures you choose to selectively provide unless they are set in that context.

Male homosexual practice and the promiscuity associated with it is more dangerous and unhealthy than incest or many other types of sexual behaviour and as such should not be promoted by legislation like same sex "marriage"

God, where does one begin. First, and most disgracefully, you reveal your homophobic instincts by tendentiously juxtaposing homosexual activity unfavourably with incest. I suggest that you cannot provide statistical support for your claim and that you typed what you did to cast homosexuality in as bad a light as possible short of actually saying that homosexuals eat people's babies. Second, promoting gay marriage will not make homosexuals have sex more often. That's clearly what you intend to convey when you say that homosexual practice should not be promoted by legislation. Third, well let's have some suggested solutions from you. You didn't like that leaflet, eh, even though it was giving out essential information. Well doesn't that just remind me of the Catholic church being opposed to contraception and abortion and at the same time being opposed to proper sex education. You would like to ban certain kinds of behaviour you disapprove of whilst limiting information about its potential consequences. It all smacks of closet moralising, and that is a damn sight more unhealthy than any of those practices you're so fond of condemning. You want evidence? Ban contraception in Africa and keep people ignorant in Africa, a la Catholic church, and you get a massive Aids epidemic and a massive abortion rate and massive infant/mother mortality, just to add spice to the endemic poverty. Don't you think that good education for relationships and sexual health would solve the problem you think we have? Some good, no-nonsense, non-moralising practical advice? I do, but I keep coming up against attitudes like yours which mix faux-morality with the quest for ignorance. Well, I suppose it does work, and you can always say that you told us so.