The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147391   Message #3455571
Posted By: Steve Shaw
21-Dec-12 - 08:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Alternative to Science??
Subject: RE: BS: Alternative to Science??
i believe the chair i am sitting on holds my weight.
it has been experimentally proven beyond reasonable doubt to be a valid belief.
darwinists believe in the GTE FOR WHICH THERE IS NOT experimental evidence that can not be otherwise accounted for.i remind you again of evolutionists who have admitted the failure of the theory as an adequate explanation.maybe time to start quoting again.

The chair doesn't hold your weight. Your weight is a function of the Earth's gravity acting on your mass. The chair "supports" you because it is strong enough to do so. It can provide sufficient upward force to more than balance the downward force of gravity. No more, no less. I don't expect a muppet such as yourself to understand that, but hey ho.

There are no evolutionary biologists who have admitted the failure of the theory, for the simple reason that the theory does not fail. Incidentally, scientific truth does not necessarily rely on experimentation. Much has been learned just by observation alone. Neither does experimentation ever prove or disprove anything. You don't understand the science process but you continue, in your arrant pig-ignorance, to comment on it as though you do. I've met many Christians in my time who embrace and acknowledge science, who lack your unhealthy and dispeptic attitude to it. In my mind, that makes you a rotten and corrupt, piss-poor example of Christianity. In fact, you bring Christianity into total disrepute. Time you examined your conscience, though I wouldn't like to go there if I were in your shoes.

Start respecting hard-working scientists and the scientific process, quit the trolling, and I'll lay off you. But not before. Your attitude to science stinks, and if your God actually existed he'd be thoroughly pissed off with you for not using that brain he took all that trouble to endow you with.