The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148617   Message #3455617
Posted By: number 6
21-Dec-12 - 10:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Shooting tragedies and guns
Subject: RE: BS: Shooting tragedies and guns
Hey Bobert ... as gruff and negative as I sound I can still say I haven't met an American I didn't like ... but I have witnessed overseas 4 incidents of Amerikan aggressive behaviour. My wife and I do go down to Maine quite often ... Mainers are wonderful people. 25 years ago my wife and I drove down to new Orleans via Highway 61 in a Jeep CJ ... one of the most memorable trips we ever took ... the people we met in Mississippi were extraordinary, super friendly people.

But you can't go blaming everything on the government, remember it's you the American people that put this Amerikan government in the place they are ... it's about time you all got together as a nation and admit you f*&ked up, and admit you do have a negative image world wide and it's time you as a nation changed ... work on getting rid of that Amerikan aggressive violent image ... say no to war, say no to guns, say no to violence ... time to take it to the streets.
