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Thread #147391   Message #3455647
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
22-Dec-12 - 02:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Alternative to Science??
Subject: RE: BS: Alternative to Science??
Stevie: "There are no evolutionary biologists who have admitted the failure of the theory, for the simple reason that the theory does not fail. Incidentally, scientific truth does not necessarily rely on experimentation."

Would it be beyond your imagination to think that scientists would ever want to 'test' those same theories, before they would rule it as fact?
So, I don't think anyone else should, either....that sounds like how those, (Stevie): ... many Christians in my time who embrace and acknowledge science, who lack your unhealthy and dispeptic attitude to it".....except you do the same, when science has, in fact, stumbled upon evidence that shows that there IS another 'realm' (if you will), that is running right along, that is unseen, that has direct effects, into the 'physical' world, which traditional science and physics can and do measure...and that revelation, has opened up a whole 'new' level and area in science.
Now, I don't think you'd dispute that, would you?
At one point, or another, these two 'realms (if you will), are going to 'intersect'...and when they do, they don't cancel each other out... but that 'intersection' is the door, to higher understanding, of things in the land of 'cause and effect'..OR...manifestations of one realm into the other...........and THAT is worth 'studying'..wouldn't you say? Perhaps, with the understanding how that works, would open a huge door into mankind 'evolving' higher, than the condition that it is now in......Fair enough?

If a 'Light' shines onto a reflective surface, and the surface begins to think that what IT IS reflecting IS actually itself, and not the 'light', then God only knows what else it(we) will invent...maybe even religion and politics!! ....and NEITHER are really serving mankind, at present, (nor in the past)..are they? When I think about it, both of those have been used for one group of people controlling another,(usually larger), group of people...wouldn't you say?
...and I'm NOT talking about 'religion or politics', as being inspired by, or involved at all, and being in sympathetic resonance and harmony, with the source of the 'Light' from where it all came you?..How can they be??..they (you, plural)think of themselves as separate, and they MUST convince their 'followers' that it is THEY from which all 'goodies' flow, to control and exploit their 'subjects'...not from the 'Light', which actually is the source of their existence!......
My!...what we would have access to if our eyes weren't deliberately closed, either for us, or by us.

Now for those who claim 'gibberish', as they 'can't/don't understand all the above, read it again..maybe even verbally...I assure you it makes complete sense, IS the reality in which we live, move and have our being in.....or maybe Amos will explain it for you..........
I don't have a need to 'convince' or 'convert' anyone.....just get ya' thinkin'...........( will also help your music!)!!!