The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148617   Message #3456052
Posted By: number 6
22-Dec-12 - 11:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Shooting tragedies and guns
Subject: RE: BS: Shooting tragedies and guns
Ebbie .... I'm a Canuck. Fourth generation on my father's side, First generation on my mother's side. Spent my childhood summer's up on the shores of Georgian Bay in Ontario. In those days Canada was still pretty much a rural country.Farming, hunting, fishing and even fur trapping was a way of life. As a kid, like every other kid at the time I owned a daisy bb gun. My father was a career officer in the Canadian military. I do recall a couple of my uncles going hunting, though my father always refrained from participating. Besides my bb gun and my father's service revolver there were no other guns in the house.

I now live in the province of New Brunswick were hunting is a given right. Many people I know here do hunt, and do own hunting rifles. I have no qualms about them doing so, and I respect their right to hunt.
