The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148729   Message #3456816
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
25-Dec-12 - 07:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Third time lucky?
Subject: RE: BS: Third time lucky?
""surely a nurse with two suicide attempts should not have been empployed in such a responsible position.""

Yeah! That'll work!

Remove all depressives from gainful employment, they'll be much happier on the scrap heap.

She was on medication. She was a highly skilled and competent nurse, suffering from a condition which afflicts way too many people these days. She was on medication to control her depression when two idiots threw a spanner in the works and pushed her over the edge.

So let's all get together and blame her rather than the numbnuts pair who triggered a tragedy with a tasteless and thoughtless prank.

I like a good laugh as much as any and more than most, but I can't abide these so-called practical jokes (neither practical nor funny), which cause humiliation or actual harm.

I'm in the James Thurber camp!

He told the story of the best man who rented the room above the honeymooners and had two friends lower him on a rope, so he could scare the bejeezis out of the happy couple in the early hours.

He was hanging outside the sixth storey window when the rope snapped.

Thurber said that was the funniest practical joke he had ever heard of.

Don T.