The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148751   Message #3457031
Posted By: JennieG
25-Dec-12 - 08:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Whadja git fer Christmas 2012?
Subject: RE: BS: Whadja git fer Christmas 2012?

We spent our money on our big trip to Canada recently so that was our gift to each other, and we treated ourselves to lunch at a local restaurant.

But I had one gift to unwrap yesterday, a Canadian friend gave me a present as we were parting (we exchange small gifts each year) and I saved it to open on Christmas Day. A scenic calendar of the Butchart Gardens which we visited with said friend and her husband (which will bring back nice memories of those visits) and some Canadian quilting fabric with maple leaves and mooses, I have in mind a use for it already!
