The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148751   Message #3457562
Posted By: Edthefolkie
27-Dec-12 - 07:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: Whadja git fer Christmas 2012?
Subject: RE: BS: Whadja git fer Christmas 2012?
I did really well, I'm keeping my stuff!

Bottle of Caol Ila malt whisky, whoopee

"Each A Glimpse" - fantastic photo book by Colin Gifford of British steam in the Sixties. He's the eccentric Cartier Bresson of the railway and caused me and hundreds of others to waste loads of film in futile emulation.

"Pandaemonium" by Humphrey Jennings. Enormous & riveting collection of writings by witnesses of the Industrial Revolution. The inspiration for the opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympics.

Latest Ian Rankin, first body doesn't arrive until p215!

Miranda Hart's book, don't think she's hit public TV in the States yet. Indescribable.


Happy New year folks!