The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148617   Message #3457665
Posted By: Ebbie
27-Dec-12 - 12:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Shooting tragedies and guns
Subject: RE: BS: Shooting tragedies and guns
#6.Ban "open carry" of all handguns except for police... I don't want to go into a restaurant and have a dozen cowboy wnatabees come in with pistols strapped to their legs..."

"Looking at the crime rate of places where open carry is legal, and the crime rate of placeswere carry is prohibited, I do not agree with you." BeardedBruce

Bruce, I can only tell you that if I saw one or more 'cowboywannabes' come into a restaurant or mall or Home Depot or wherever I would be out of there as quickly as I could manage. And so would most of the patrons- it would be an excellent way to clear an area.

It's bad enough knowing that some of the people have 'concealed carry'; I do NOT want to live in any place that allows civilians/people in with guns of any sort.

Back in the old Wild West, you recall, the dictum was to leave the guns at the desk. Men were not allowed to mingle while openly wearing.

Of course, the movies showed it differently- anyone get their information from them?