The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148751   Message #3457875
Posted By: Janie
27-Dec-12 - 08:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Whadja git fer Christmas 2012?
Subject: RE: BS: Whadja git fer Christmas 2012?

The olive oil mister is called "Misto". SKU is 5061116. Lots of places carry them - in kitchen gadget stores or on-line. Son didn't think to remove the price tag on anything so I know he payed $9.99 at a kitchen gadget outlet at the local Tanger Outlet. On-line prices range from $10-$20 bucks. Has an aerosol type spray head. Pump the lid to pressurize the canister. Dispenses the oil in a fine spray.

Other than a test spray into the sink just now I haven't used it yet. Straight olive oil - nice fine spray. Looking at my kitchen sink, the spray is not quite as fine as a can of commercial cooking spray such as "Pam", but still quite fine and evenly distributed, and would result in using much less oil but applied more evenly, than the proverbial "drizzle lightly" or "toss" with olive oil." Also less expensive buying commercial cans of oil sprays.   

I got my sister one last year and she loves it. Uses it to spritz veggie salads with a combination of olive oil and vinegar or lemon, to spritz fruit salads with lemon or lime juice or to spritz veggies before roasting, broiling or cooking quickly in a non-stick skillet. She also uses it to baste baked birdies. Also know several other people who use them and swear by them. It can be used with any oil, vinegar, lemon or lime juice, or a mixture of oil and the others. (I'd probably first decant raw apple cider vinegar, lemon or lime juice through a fine screen or cheese cloth to keep the pulp or precipitates from clogging the sprayer.)

Sis has had her's for a year and uses it frequently, so apparently they are sufficiently durable. The package insert says when fully pressurized it will spray for about 15 seconds before you need to pump it up again.

Apparently made by Farberware.