The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148796   Message #3458216
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
28-Dec-12 - 12:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Thanks, GOP. Fiscal Cliff will cost me "$____"
Subject: RE: BS: Thanks, GOP. Fiscal Cliff will cost me "$____"
Bruce, you don't make any sense, but that is typical. You drank the GOP koolaid and spout the party line. Amazing how they have convinced so many people to vote against their own self interest and dismiss an altruistic distribution of revenues to benefit all (for health care in particular - Medicaid for all would be a good start).

The effect on me of proportional extra tax withholding is substantially different than if a rich person had to pay the same percentage of their salary to the IRS.

The cuts the GOP will demand are the ones that affect lower income Americans. When those who haven't been paying close attention finally look at their upcoming paychecks, it may begin to dawn on them that something stinks, and it's coming from the Elephant House.