The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148796   Message #3458663
Posted By: Bobert
29-Dec-12 - 09:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Thanks, GOP. Fiscal Cliff will cost me "$____"
Subject: RE: BS: Thanks, GOP. Fiscal Cliff will cost me "$____"
In the 1950s the tax rates were 91% on incomes of $250,000 and guess what??? You didn't have all these rich crybabies...

If you go to the Outer Banks of North Carolina and drive by the marinas there you come away with a perspective of just how much money people actually have as there are rows and rows of million dollar boats lined up row after row after row...

Then you drive through Great Falls, Va and look at the houses... Miles and miles of $5M houses...

This is how the upper 2% live and they are weeping over paying 39.6% on income exceeding $250,000 a year??? Give me a break... $250,000 a year to me is rich, rich, rich... No two ways about it... I mean, if I can live comfortably on 1/5th of that then these people should be able to eek out a comfortable living on $250,000...
