The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7854 Message #3458901
Posted By: GUEST,Jack Sprocket
29-Dec-12 - 07:07 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Stand Up For Judas (Leon Rosselson)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Stand Up For Judas (Leon Rosselson)
jeri has got it bang on in spirit, parable or not. Rosselson had read and been influenced by the works of the historian Chrstopher Hill, historian of the English Revolution, whose work spanned the period from the late Elizabethan period, when Puritanism was as dangerous as Recusancy, to our Glorious Revolution, when Englishmen agreed to become respectable and concentrate on selling slaves. The Diggers' Song is from the middle of this period, and Stand Up For Judas would then have been seen as a shocking but just comment by many radicals- Levellers, Ranters, Quakers, Fifth Monarchy Men, Muggletonians, Latitudinarians and advanced Baptists. One who would have stood against was John Bunyan, he of Pilgrim's Progress. He (again according to Hill) saw the problem not as an oppressing power, but as a power oppressing the wrong people. A Christian Talib that time has been kind to.